Compact, lightweight .45 ACP pistols, such as the Springfield Armory XD-S 3.3", are ideal for concealed carry; however, building proficiency with them through regular practice can be painful. Diminutive dimensions—particularly an undersized grip—coupled with minimalist weight, exacerbate recoil. So, when training with pocket-size pistols, eschew traditional 230-gr. loads for those featuring lighter, 185-gr. bullets. Not only is the reduction in felt recoil noteworthy, but, because of the bullets’ increased velocities, energy levels compare favorably to, and sometimes exceed, those of heavier, .45-cal. projectiles. The load below has minimal felt recoil (especially in a larger handgun), and yet, because of its 932-f.p.s. velocity, the 185-gr. JHP produces 357 ft.-lbs. of energy at the muzzle. It’ll punish the targets, not your hand.