The adage “what’s old is new again” certainly applies to fiber-wad loads. Prior to the advent of plastic wads, manufacturers stacked cardboard of varying thicknesses to assemble shotshells. But, because plastic wads were unaffected by moisture and offered superior gas-sealing qualities, among other things, they became the standard. Nonetheless, the story doesn’t end there; fiber-wad loads are currently experiencing a revival. Why? Because they’re fully biodegradable, which means the range and the field stay cleaner. Further applying this logic, mentioning their use to landowners might score you some prime hunting grounds, too. Lastly, they also adhere to your gun’s choke. Remember, plastic-wad petals effectively increase your choke’s constriction. Fiber-wad loads don’t. Loading fiber-wad loads is a simple process; for the given recipe, firmly press two 1/2"-thick HCW12 wads atop of 24.0 grs. of Bullseye propellant, add 7/8 oz. of magnum lead shot, and then place an COS12 over-shot card atop of pellets.