I Have This Old Gun


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Bayard Auto Pistol

I Have This Old Gun: Bayard Auto Pistol

The Herstal, Belgium, firm of Anciens Etablissements Pieper was apparently expecting big things when, in 1908, it named its new semi-automatic pocket pistol “Bayard.”

I Have This Old Gun: Winchester 1876 Express Rifle

Introduced to the public as part of Winchester’s elaborate display at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, the resultant Winchester Model 1876 was appropriately christened “The Centennial Rifle.”

I Have This Old Gun: Remington Model 95 "Double Derringer"

Just after the Civil War, Remington Arms began producing its Model 95 "Double Derringer," which would become one of the most popular guns the firm ever made.

I Have This Old Gun: Rodger’s “Self Protector” Knife Pistol

The old saw “never bring a knife to a gun fight” is somewhat moot when one is armed with a Rodgers knife pistol—a clever percussion-fired defensive arm composed of both blades and barrel. To be sure, by the mid-19th century when this particular piece made its appearance, combination arms were nothing new.

I Have This Old Gun: Norinco Model 320

The Uzi submachine gun is one of the most iconic and recognizable firearms of the 20th century. As a highly successful design with more than 10 million produced to date, it has spawned numerous copies, licensed and otherwise, and has been manufactured everywhere from Belgium to southeast Asia.

I Have This Old Gun: Wheellock Carbine

One of the more unique firearm mechanisms seen in history is the wheellock, which used a spinning, serrated wheel to create sparks from a piece of iron pyrite.

I Have This Old Gun: Montenegrin Gasser Revolver

The Montenegrin Gasser shown here is a classic 1870/74 style and is the real article, actually produced by Gasser in Vienna. It has typical Montenegrin aftermarket silver stocks embellished with turquoise, coral and pearls.

I Have This Old Gun: Colt New Lightning Magazine Rifle

Colt's "New Lightning Magazine Rifle," so called to distinguish it from the company's previous double-action revolver of the same name, was the first slide-action rifle to be sold in the United States.

I Have This Old Gun: British Brunswick Rifle

In between the famous British Baker rifle and the Pattern 1853 Enfield, there was a little-known design that's rarely seen today. This is the story of the British Brunswick rifle.

I Have This Old Gun: French Tabatière Rifle

The Tabatière is one of several breechloading conversions of existing military muskets, but unlike many others, this one continued to see use in the civilian world.

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