Henry Repeating Arms recently discovered a safety issue affecting certain lever-action rifles chambered in .45-70 Gov’t. that were manufactured between Dec. 14, 2022, and Jan. 11, 2023. Henry is voluntarily initiating a recall to protect the safety of its customers because, under certain conditions, it is possible that some of these rifles may unintentionally discharge without the trigger being pulled if the hammer is released or dropped from the cocked position. To prevent the possibility of death or serious personal injury, owners of a Henry Repeating Arms .45-70 Gov’t. lever-action should discontinue all use until it is determined whether or not the rifle is subject to recall.
Henry Repeating Arms firearms obtained before December 2022 are not subject to this recall, and no action is needed. To determine if a rifle is included in this voluntary recall, owners should look up the serial number of their firearm by visiting the announcement’s webpage. They can also e-mail [email protected] for full details or call toll-free, (866) 200-2354, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST).
The safety issue that led to this voluntary recall was discovered internally during test firing and is related to firing pins that may not meet specifications. Henry Repeating Arms is ready to replace the firing pins free of charge for owners, in the order by which the firearms are received.
Information on the current turnaround time for rifles returned under this recall will be provided on the recall web page. Henry Repeating Arms will make every effort to minimize the turnaround time. Additionally, as a sign of appreciation to its customers, the company will send any owner of a rifle affected by this recall a $50 gift card for HenryPride.com upon completion of service.