Imagine helping those who have proudly served militarily for our country, as well as children with autism spectrum disorders, which, according to autismspeaks.com, affects 1 in 68 children in America, simply by purchasing ammunition; that’s exactly the case with Steel Ridge Ammunition. Proceeds from the sale of the Allison, Iowa, company’s Retrieving Freedom, Inc. (RFI) series will go directly to RFI to raise and train service dogs to assist veterans and children with autism. Currently, the offerings include: 115-gr., round-nose 9 mm Luger; 180-gr., FMJ .40 S&W; and 55-gr., FMJ .223 Rem. The 9 mm Luger load sells for $35 per 100, while the .40 S&W and .223 Rem. costs $42 for the same quantity. For more information or ordering, visit Steel Ridge Ammunition's or RFI's website.