If you love the Heckler & Koch VP9 pistol but are not a fan of the European ambidextrous paddle-style mag release, you now have the option of a new U.S.-style reversible push-button release.
The new HKVP9-B variation will accept the same magazines as other VP9 Series pistols, but the determination on mag-release style must be made at time of purchase, as the two models are not convertible.
Heckler & Koch’s VP9 9 mm pistol has been universally received as one of the most ergonomic striker-fired handguns on the market. It even won the 2015 American Rifleman Golden Bullseye for Handgun of the Year, and consistently placed high in the American Rifleman Ladies Pistol Project.
VP9 pistols will continue to be offered with an adaptable grip frame, allowing users to interchange both backstraps and grip panels in 27 unique configurations. And the VP trigger retains its short, light take-up with a solid, clean break, followed by a short, positive reset.
For more, visit HK-USA.com.