Every year, at the CMP's Talladega Marksmanship Park, a weeklong series of matches pay homage to the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
My elk-hunting reasoning figured that the .338 Win. Mag. is a good elk cartridge, so the .375 Ruger’s heavier bullet weight and increased velocity should be even better at knocking down a big bull.
Take home a new Springfield Armory Echelon, Hellcat or Hellcat Pro, and you can qualify to receive up to $320 worth of accessories ideally suited for that purchase.
Memories abound over this .38 Spl. Smith & Wesson Victory Model Military & Police revolver. It was one of many manufactured between 1941 and 1945 for World War II.
Introduced to the public as part of Winchester’s elaborate display at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition, the resultant Winchester Model 1876 was appropriately christened “The Centennial Rifle.”