What firearms are Americans buying? Those listed by GunBroker.com as best-sellers for Dec. 2015—both new and used—have been covered extensively by American Rifleman. Check the list here and learn more about these guns.
Semi-Automatic Pistol
New: Kel-Tec PMR-30 Used: Colt 1911
New: Ruger LCR Used: Colt Python
Semi-Automatic Rifle
New: Ruger 10/22 Used: Ruger Mini-14
Bolt-Action Rifle
New: Ruger Precision Rifle Used: Remington 700
Lever-Action Rifle
New: Marlin 1895 Used: Winchester 94
Semi-Automatic Shotgun
New: Mossberg 930 Used: Remington 1100
Pump-Action Shotgun
New: Kel Tec KSG Used: Mossberg 500