What guns were Americans buying in late spring of 2016? Check out this new list by GunBroker.com to see best-sellers for May 2016—both new and used. Most of the models have been covered extensively by American Rifleman, and you can learn more about these guns here.
Semi-automatic Pistol
New: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
Used: Smith & Wesson SW9
New: Ruger Blackhawk
Used: Colt Python
Semi-automatic Rifle
New: Kel Tec Sub-2000
Used: Ruger 10/22
Bolt-Action Rifle
New: Ruger Precision Rifle
Used: Marlin X7
Lever-Action Rifle
New: Henry Repeating Arms
Used: Winchester 94
Semi-automatic Shotgun
New: Benelli Super Black Eagle (SBE) II
Used: Browning A5 (Auto 5)
Over-Under Shotgun
New: Browning Citori 725
Used: Browning Citori 725
Pump-Action Shotgun
New: Kel Tec KSG
Used: Remington 870 Wingmaster