As part of its 2022 product rollout, Magpul Industries announced a collaboration with Maztech to create what it calls the "X4 System." Ultimately, this ruggedized commercial system is designed to provide a firearm-mounted display system that presents information from a variety of onboard systems to the user. To start, Magpul and Magtech are developing a rounds-remaining system that will provide users with an accurate count of the number of cartridges remaining in their Gen M3 PMag via a display system viewed through the lens of a standard Low Power Variable Optic (LVPO).
Despite the simplicity of the concept, developing an accurate, rugged rounds-remaining system that can withstand combat conditions and still provide dependable information to a user is a difficult challenge, and this is only the first step in what is planned to be a complete suite of connected systems developed through the collaboration.
The ultimate goal is to provide complete situational awareness to a user while they're mounted on the gun and viewing the field through their optic. Information on the target, firearm status, communications capability and a complete fire-control system are different elements expected to be provided through a final X4 suite of systems.
Release timelines, full capabilities and pricing will be made available as Magpul and Maztech progress through the design phases of the X4 System. Ultimately, what was once only possible through secretive government programs and futuristic video games will be a reality for the everyday firearm owner at the conclusion of the X4 project.