Intuit—which suddenly and unexpectedly cancelled credit card processing with Gunsite Academy last month—voluntarily contacted the famed firearm training facility and has agreed to cover the cost of manpower required to recover the rerouted funds.
“We were pleasantly surprised when Intuit senior staff called and asked Gunsite to educate them in how gun sales really work,” Gunsite Chief Operating Officer Ken Campbell said. “A good amount of time was spent explaining 4473s, bound books, ATF audits and NICS checks. Our conversations were absolutely polite and professional.”
The legal requirements and mandatory bookkeeping proved more than just educational. “It was a bigger and better surprise when they called and offered a fair remuneration for our losses in man hours,” Campbell said. “We did not threaten litigation whatsoever. They seem to be trying to do the right thing.”
TurboTax, QuickBooks and a host of other products fall under the Intuit corporate umbrella, making it one of the Goliaths in the accounting and financial sectors today. The company was founded in 1983, went public in 1993 and today part of its day-to-day operations include credit card processing and forwarding of payment to vendors.
“The support of the firearms industry and the great American gun owners has been outstanding and I’m sure a good part of the offer by Intuit,” Campbell said. “We hope this may be the start of positive changes with Intuit and other institutions that threaten our gun rights by economic measures.”
Gunsite Academy has been teaching firearm proficiency and safety since 1976, when it was established by Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper. Its facility, in Paulden, Ariz., covers a 4.5-square-mile campus. Classes held annually cover self-defense pistol, carbine, shotgun, 3-gun and much more. For full details, visit the company’s course schedule. Off-site training is also offered in select areas across the country.
Additional Reading:
Fear & Loading: Quickbooks Cancels Contract with Gunsite