Our great nation annually honors those who served in its Armed Forces on Nov. 11. This year, let’s eloquently thank those who took to arms to ensure the right to free speech by minimizing our subscriptions to viral claims of governmental abuse, religious strife, racial mistrust and other stupidity for the day.
Men and women of all races and backgrounds have answered the call to ensure foreign nations and extremists never defeat our country and strip us of our constitutional rights—including gun ownership and free speech. They were black, white, Hispanic, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, single, married and with every accent imaginable, all serving for a greater good in the uniforms of our great nation.
They are brothers and sisters in arms who stood steadfast in the snow, sand, jungles, oceans and skies, to ensure our right to complain loudly and often. Hoist the flag in their honor, thank a vet and then let’s let them know the sacrifice they made was worth it unifying in a one-day suspension of unnecessary chatter that indicts of our way of life.
We’re lucky to live here. We’re even luckier this republic can muster an army willing to raise their guns to defend our rights.
Hoist the flag. Thank a vet. And, remind your complaining friends, co-workers and family members our freedoms are not free. Young men and women in our nation’s Armed Forces make those payments, and one day of decency is the least they can do to pay back the debt.
*Photo courtesy of the Department of Defense.