EOTech, a leading holographic weaponsight manufacturer, has launched a campaign targeting those who create and sell illegal copies of its military-grade sighting systems. The forgeries continue to impact businesses across the industry, authorized dealers and compromise the safety of enthusiasts who unknowingly purchase any of the inferior products.
Authentic EOTech holographic sighting technology is nearly impossible to replicate. Unfortunately, numerous imitation products have been discovered, including LED-based products attempting to pass as high-tech holographic sights. One such counterfeit reseller was selling fake EOTech HWS products for deep discounts, but with cooperation from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the activity was shut down and EOTech reached a six-figure settlement with the culprit for various counterfeit violations.
An explosion of online sales links with reproduction HWS products adds to consumer confusion. The lure unsuspecting shoppers to online stores with shockingly low prices. EOTech closely monitors these sales and blocks unauthorized items from websites such as Alibaba, Aliexpress, Amazon, Facebook, eBay and other online outlets.
“Stopping fakes at the source is a critical step in curbing counterfeiting,” said Lisa Kem, EOTech director of marketing. “EOTech produces an extremely rugged, technically unique holographic sight that can’t be duplicated by counterfeiters. The EOTech brand stands for reliability, durability and the safety of our operators whether it be soldiers, officers or general users. EOTech partners and end-users can rest assured we will actively pursue counterfeit operations to quickly shut them down.”
It is extremely difficult for the average consume to spot a fake. Counterfeiters even go so far as to reproduce registered trademarks and packaging. To that end, EOTech has created a counterfeit detection resource page on its website to assist enthusiasts in making better-informed purchases. On the page, consumers and dealers can learn about counterfeit EOTech sights through photo illustrations that compare genuine and counterfeit sights, plus tips for identifying a forgery.