Walther Arms has combined the company’s understanding of reliable defensive handguns with its experience in manufacturing Olympic-grade competition firearms in the new Q5 Match Steel Frame 9 mm Luger semi-automatic pistol. This version of the Q5 incorporates Walther’s signature ergonomics, found in the polymer frame series, along with an all-steel construction that provides a hand-steadying unloaded weight of 41.6 ozs. for quicker follow-up shots. Based on the award-winning PPQ platform, the steel Q5 match features a fiber-optic front sight paired with an adjustable rear sight. The optics-ready slide ships with a set of mounting plates configured for popular optics from manufacturers including Docter, Leupold and Trijicon. The slide is ported for weight reduction and barrel cooling with front and rear cocking serrations. Walther’s Quick Defense trigger group provides a smooth 5-lb., 9-oz., trigger pull with a short 0.4" arch of travel and 0.1" trigger reset. The Q5 Match will also be available in a polymer-frame configuration. waltherarms.com