Contained within a diminutive, clear, cylindrical reusable container with screw-on top, Eastern Maine Shooting Supplies’ U.S.-made Premium Lube Universal Pistol Field Cleaning Kit has everything needed for cleaning and maintenance at the range and in the field.
The kit includes: a machined brass rod with a removable aluminum handle, which has a lifetime warranty; two brass slotted tips; five bronze brushes (ranging from .22 to .45 cal.); square cotton patches (Premium-Lube-soaked and non-soaked) in 1 1/8”, 1 5/16”, and 2” sizes; one ½-oz tube of Premium Lube; and a 7”x8” Premium Lube Wipe. The aforementioned supplies available as standalones for kit replenishment, too. Similar kits are offered for muzzleloaders and ARs as well. Price: $32.42.