DuraCoat Firearm Finishes and Lauer Custom Weaponry’s new Shake ’N Spray kit allows the user to apply DuraCoat firearm finishes at home without need for airbrush or other spray equipment.
The kit includes 4 ounces of DuraCoat, a LCW TruStrip Cleaner/Degreaser and a Preval Aerosol Sprayer. Simply degrease the gun with the enclosed TruStrip and scrubbing pad, mix the DuraCoat finish in the provided jar, and apply using the sprayer, which lasts through 16 ounces of DuraCoat finish.
It can be cleaned in between uses with DuraCoat Reducer. The kit retails for $30 and colors include matte black, OD green, woodland tan, woodland green, woodland brown, gun blue, Magpul flat dark earth, and DuraCoat parker.
Contact: Lauer Custom Weaponry; (800) 830-6677; www.lauerweaponry.com.