CrossBreed Holsters has introduced a three-slot, two-position OWB holster called the SuperSlide. The SuperSlide can be worn strong side in the 3:30 to 4 position with a slight forward cant, or in cross draw.
The secret to the SuperSlide’s two position use is the three belt slots. The purpose is to allow different modes on carrying with the same holster. The design of the holster pulls the gun and grip in tight to the body. With the proper concealment garment, the gun and holster are virtually undetectable.
The most popular carry mode is strong side, but there are occasional times when cross draw would be more beneficial, such as when driving a car or sitting for long periods. Regardless, the design of the holster pulls the gun and grip in tight to the body. With the proper concealment garment, the gun and holster are virtually undetectable. It also provides excellent weight distribution of your firearm, ensuring stability and comfort. The price is $52.45. For more information, go to CrossBreedHolsters.com.