The concealed carry handgun market continues to grow. Some of these guns are completely new, but others rely on established design principles and styles. Nobody ever found a better platform to imitate or modify than the sound, sturdy--and very popular--Government Model 1911. Nobody has done this less than the original maker of the gun, Colt Firearms. With the introduction of the New Agent .45 ACP Pistol, Colt offers shooters of the 21st century a modern adaptation of the 20th century classic.
The Colt New Agent is a short, light .45 ACP semi-automatic intended for concealed carry and police backup roles. It is short in the sense that the upper uses a barrel only 3" in length, and it is light because the abbreviated receiver is aluminum alloy. This pistol weighs only 24. ozs., unloaded. In the handling sense, the New Agent is pure M1911, complete with single-action trigger and a short single-column magazine of seven rounds. As much as the gun possesses traditional features and contours, it does have a couple of new features in cosmetics and sights.
The New Agent is relatively small, measuring 4." by 6." by 13⁄16" (height, length, thickness), with that thickness figure measured across the grip panels. Contrasted with a typical M1911A1 pistol, the New Agent is more than 2" shorter in length, about 3/4" shorter in height and just about a pound lighter. It is a typical recoiloperated pistol of the basic John Browning design. For self-defense, it would presumably be carried cocked-and-locked (hammer back, safety on and a round in the chamber). On the sample gun, the trigger broke cleanly at just over 4 lbs. The trigger is of the long style, which is the preference of the majority of handgunners.
A short, vertically grooved mainspring housing can be found just below an abbreviated grip safety. The tang of the grip safety has a pronounced concave curve to its top surface, designed to clear the rounded spur of the pistol's hammer. The hardwood stocks have been slimmed down and are checkered in a bordered double diamond pattern. The thumb safety is of the original
M1911 style, complete with the trim paddle. Vertical serrations on the frontstrap and a nicely executed relief groove for the middle finger, located at the junction of the trigger guard and the butt, enhance shootability....