There has been a whole lot of hype about Colt's new product introduction. The grand old firm has looked back into their storied past and reflected on how many shooters have wanted a Colt revolver. Revolver-making in the city of Hartford was a part of American industry, but recent years have seen hard times close down production of all revolvers other than the venerable Peacemaker. (If that happened, I am convinced that the world would end). What is now at hand is a fine new Colt revolver that I have just finished writing up for the American Rifleman. It is to be called the Cobra and it is in the same class—a six shot, two-inch snubby. Made of stainless steel and with a Colt family resemblance on the outside, the new gun is all new and better on the inside. Yes, you read that correctly—the Cobra has an action that handles better than all of the D frames of old.
Could there be other revolver projects in the mill? Possibly, yes, but company management is being extremely cautious and close-mouthed. The new Cobra revolver will have to sell in good numbers and other conditions have to be right before the legendary maker makes another decision of this magnitude. But they are thinking about new things up there at Colt. Stay tuned!
Additional Reading:
The Keefe Report: Hey, Chicken Little, Colt Isn't Falling