Brownells has released a new three-part video series on emergency preparedness for situations that could arise at work, at home and in the car. Each video covers potential situations and shows how to use specific supplies and gear—including products featured in the recently-released Brownells ESG Essentials Kits.
The At Work video shows examples of good supplies to stash at the job site that can help make unexpected stays more comfortable.
The At Home video focuses mostly on knowledge and training, and asks key questions everyone needs to answer to be really fully prepared.
The In The Car video provides tips for keeping a well-stocked vehicle emergency kit to help motorists make it through any crises from flat tires to accidents.
“The response to our ESG Essentials Kits has been great, and the whole line of Emergency and Survival Gear products are very popular,” said Brownells President/COO Matt Buckingham. “We want to also be a reliable source of good information and solid advice, and our ESG videos play a big part in that. We want to help our customers stay prepared for emergencies.”
Brownells introduced its Emergency and Survival Gear line in early 2014, and it has quickly expanded to cover more than 1,200 products —including water purification, long-term storage food, tents and shelters, signal devices, emergency lighting and fire starters.