M1 rifle expert and collector Larry Babcock—in his study of the U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1, or simply the “Garand”—relies primarily on hundreds of black-and-white pictures to tell the complex story of the markings, variations and minute nuances apparent in dozens of components manufactured to build the gun that Gen. George Patton called “the greatest battle implement ever devised.” Whether the owner of one of John Cantius Garand’s masterpieces hopes to confirm that it is in as-issued condition, or is determined to rebuild it to reflect its proper historical context, this 396-pp., 8½"x11", spiral-bound book’s exhaustive and informative listings will prove to be more than a little helpful. Fifteen separate sections cover: Barrels, Bolts, Bullet Guides, Clip Latch, Follower Arms and Rods, Follower and Slide Assembly, Gas System, Operating Rod and Catch, Sights, Stock Parts, Trigger Group, Wood Stock Production, Accessories, Oddities and, of course, Receivers. What month and year was a particular bolt installed by a given manufacturer? What is the correct marking for that windage knob? What’s the proper drawing number for that operating rod? Which stock cartouche is correct for a late-1943 Springfield rifle? The answers to these and many other questions can all be found in M1 Garand Photo Essay. To purchase, go to ebay.com where it retails for $65 (free shipping) under reference ID No. 330761468601.