Author and law enforcement sniping instructor John C. Simpson undertook his 123-p., 6"x9" softcover Foundations Of Sniper Marksmanship mainly because of the frequency with which he encountered students who lacked even a minimal knowledge of riflecraft.
In it, he offers chapters on: Marksmanship Fundamentals, Positions, Minute Of Angle, Reading Your Scope Knobs, Live-Fire Practice, Recommended Reading, Rifle Maintenance, Ballistics, Sniper Functional Fitness Test and Snipercraft Qualification Course. Those seeking an entertaining armchair tome filled with lengthy histories and encyclopedic equipment lists are likely to be disappointed.
Rather, as the back cover suggests, “This is not an over-your-head, in-your-face blast of complex information. It’s a starter-level gold mine of straightforward, mission-critical information that will help you develop your abilities as a new sniper.”
Sure enough, despite the utilitarian nature of the black-and-white photos and line drawings with which it is illustrated, the book is filled with clear writing that conveys innumerable nuggets of knowledge that could only have resulted from years of experience.
Foundations Of Sniper Marksmanship should serve well as an initial volume for those new to the subject and as a worthy review for those who already have a shelf full of similar works. Price: $25. Contact: Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc.; (800) 647-5547; looseleaflaw.com.