While you are at the NRA Annual Meetings in Houston, Texas, I encourage you to take a break from the show floor and attend two special events. Noted sniping authority Maj. John L. Plaster, U.S. Army (Ret.), and historian Martin K.A. Morgan are onboard for two American Rifleman Special Sessions of tremendous interest to NRA members. On Saturday, Plaster will be the speaker at “Civil War Sharpshooters,” discussing the sharpshooters and their arms from America’s bloodiest conflict 150 years ago. The author of the practical The Ultimate Sniper, Plaster is a fantastic and dynamic speaker and is also one of the leading historians on the subject and the author of The History of Sniping & Sharpshooting.
On Sunday, historian Martin K.A. Morgan will conduct “The Men & Guns of Operation Market-Garden,” covering the deeds and arms used by the British and American Airborne troops in a desperate gamble to seize a bridge across the Rhine River in September 1944. Morgan has conducted hundreds of interviews with the men who fought to take “A Bridge Too Far,” and this talk, backed up by imagery and videos, promises to be one of our best sessions yet. I will serve as the moderator for both, give brief remarks, make the introductions and then let the two most dynamic and knowledgeable speakers we have take their respective microphones. Both sessions are free to NRA members and should last about two hours.
The room numbers and times were not finalized by press time, but it appears Plaster’s session will be 2 p.m. on Saturday and Morgan’s will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday. Be sure to check AmericanRifleman.org for the times and room numbers as we will post them as soon as they are available. I will see you there!