Attendees of the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, which begin Friday, April 25, 2014, are invited to join American Rifleman Editor-in-Chief Mark Keefe and a variety of special guests for a number of special sessions at the Indiana Convention Center.
"The Men and Guns of the Battle of the Bulge," "Leadership in the Shadows" and "Secret Commandos: The Men and Guns of SOG" will be held on Saturday, April 26. "US M16: A Half-Century of America's Combat Rifle" will be held on Sunday, April 27.
For more information, check out the presentation descriptions below, or go to NRAAM.org.
The Men and Guns of the Battle of the Bulge
Date: April 26, 2014
Times: 11 a.m.
Location: Room 130-132
Speaker: Martin K.A. Morgan
On Saturday, Dec. 16, 1944 the Germans kicked-off a massive offensive known to them as Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (or Operation Watch on the Rhine). To the 600,000 American soldiers who ultimately struggled against the enemy onslaught, it was known as the Battle of the Bulge. For the next 40 days, intense combat raged across the remote Ardennes forest area of northern Luxembourg and southeastern Belgium in the bitter cold of the bleak mid-winter. The opposing forces clashed throughout the battle with firearms that represented the culmination of the design development experience of the entire war. The result was the highest casualty count the U.S. Army sustained in a single battle in its history. Despite taking such a pounding, U.S. forces ultimately overcame the Germans and achieved a legendary victory. At the heart of that victory were the men, and the guns, that made the Battle of the Bulge famous.
Leadership in the Shadows
• Date: April 26, 2014
• Times: 2 p.m.
• Location: Room 133-135
• Speaker: Kyle Lamb
Retired Delta Force Sergeant Major Kyle Lamb discusses leadership from his Battlefield experiences from the Black Hawk Down incident as well as his 5 tours in Iraq. Whether you are a soldier, Law Enforcement Officer or Civilian, Lamb will provide a unique insight in to the traits and commonalities of great leaders and the effectiveness of their leadership styles. This dynamic presentation will provide valuable lessons to help improve your performance from the battlefield, to the boardroom, to everyday life. With over 18 years in the Special Forces community, 15 1/2 of those with Delta, Lamb provides a riveting perspective on the topic of leadership.
Secret Commandos: The Men and Guns of SOG
• Date: April 26, 2014
• Times: 2:30 p.m.
• Location: Room 130-132
• Speaker: Major John L. Plaster
MACV-SOG-the Vietnam War's covert operations unit-inserted small teams deep behind enemy lines in Laos and Cambodia along the heavily defended Ho Chi Minh Trail highway system. At times outnumbered 100-to-1, to accomplish these top secret hazardous missions, SOG's Green Berets developed specialized weapons, tactics and techniques which proved so effective that many are used by today's Special Forces. This presentation includes a fascinating variety of suppressed weapons, unusual explosive devices, diversionary devices and formerly classified sabotage materials.
US M16: A Half-Century of America's Combat Rifle
• Date: April 27, 2014
• Times: 1:30 p.m.
• Location: Room 133-135
• Speaker: Martin K.A. Morgan
The AR-15/M16 and its various forms have served Americans for more than 50 years. The M16 was carried by troops in Vietnam, fired shots in Grenada and Panama, seen two different conflicts in Iraq and remains one of the most trusted firearms the military can offer. This presentation will cover the history of our Nation’s longest serving combat rifle.
Learn more about each of the special presentations at NRAAM.org.