American Rifleman now has a circulation that ranks it among the nation's Top 25 magazines, according to the Alliance for Audited Media, which tracks magazine circulation. American Rifleman now reaches an estimated 2.2 million readers after posting a 29.3 percent boost in circulation in the second half of 2013, according to a report from Ad Age.
One of three magazines that NRA members can elect to receive upon joining (alongside American Hunter and America's 1st Freedom), American Rifleman's circulation boost came in part thanks to the substantial increase in association membership levels in 2013.
"Last year we had a 25 percent growth in membership," NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said in an interview with Ad Age. "People who sign up for membership get their choice of one of three official journals for the NRA. American Rifleman is one of the more popular journals that we have."
As the premier magazine produced by NRA Publications for shooting and firearms enthusiasts, American Rifleman utilizes the foremost experts in every shooting pursuit, just as we have done for the past 122 years. With coverage devoted to rifles, shotguns, handguns, ammunition, reloading, optics and shooting accessories, American Rifleman delivers the most complete, well-rounded, firearm magazine in existence.
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