On March 25, the severe weather that hit west of Tulsa, Okla., was quickly followed by opportunistic criminals, including a pair who targeted the home of a 92-year-old, legally blind woman with a handgun.
Other burglaries that took place in the tornado’s aftermath include a church and five homes, even one in which the resident just left for the day in the back of an ambulance. The culprits are still on the loose, so the odds are good there have been more.
One 92-year-old woman weathered the storm, but in the aftermath, she heard someone trying to kick in her back door. She’s lived in the neighborhood for six decades, and understandably takes a dim view of criminals targeting her friends. According to local news reports, she grabbed her gun and told the perps, “C’mon in boys! The police won’t take you away, the morgue will. I’ll take care of you.” The door-bashing duo immediately made a strategic retreat.
Criminals strike anywhere, anytime, when you least expect it and are most vulnerable. In this case, they grossly underestimated the resolve of a 92-year-old, legally blind woman who refused to be a victim in her home, even at a time when authorities were occupied elsewhere cleaning up a deadly storm’s aftermath.