In the movie “Full Metal Jacket,” marines named their rifles as a symbol of closeness with the one thing that could save their lives. Of course, they also slept with their guns, which is a completely different issue that I’m not going to touch. But the act of naming a firearm can provide a familiarity with a specific firearm, and it can be a lot of fun. A gun's name can be serious, lighthearted or downright ludicrous.
I’ve known a lot of hunters and shooters who have given their guns names like Black Thunder, Thumper and Old Painless. I’ve also heard names like AT&T, because of the slogan “Reach out and touch someone.” Of course, there are many that can’t be used in polite company, but that is part of the fun of naming a gun.
So far, I’ve only named two of my firearms—my Kimber Ultra Carry and my Ruger LCP. I call my Kimber “baby” to remind me to treat it right and it will always take care of me, and my LCP is named “Peanut,” mainly because the name irritates my wife. What can I say, I’m a guy.
Naming a gun can be a very personal issue that involves showing respect to the gun, as well as others if you’re so inclined, and it usually makes a great story. Share your gun’s name and story behind that name, and the best one will receive a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster that fits most .38 snubbies.