To the delight of concealed-carry practitioners and other defense-minded individuals, Glock's G19 Gen5 MOS pistol, released in 2018, serves well for everyday carry, as a crossover duty arm or tucked next to the bedside. The Glock 19 Gen5 MOS (Modular Optic System) FS provides shooters with a fully optioned 5th generation striker-fired pistol that includes standard features that were once aftermarket modifications, such as front slide serrations and red-dot capability to accommodate sights such as the Trijicon RMR sampled with this review gun. Watch as American Rifleman's Joe Kurtenbach walks through more of this pistol’s features.
Built on M1911 principles and imported by European American Armory Corp., the EAA Girsan Witnesss2311 Brat is a unique take on the double-stack, 2011-style pistol.
Much gratitude has been, and is given, to the man who created the M1 Garand. But folklore suggests John C. Garand did all the work for free. Let us dispel that notion.
While the U.S. Army's Model 1903 Springfield rifle is one of the most well-recognized small arms of the 20th century, a lesser-known variant, the Model 1903A3, served as an important stopgap rifle in the early years of World War II.