In this fifth installment of "The Men and Guns of the Pacific," the ARTV crew heads to Iwo Jima. When U.S. forces sought to capture an advanced airfield where shorter-range American fighters could be based, Iwo Jima was the only island that made sense, and it was only eight square miles long. The Battle of Iwo Jima lasted 36 gruesome days with more than 6,800 Americans paying the ultimate sacrifice. It is also a significant point in Marine Corps history. Now, Americans are only allowed on the island of Iwo Jima one day a year, and ARTV got the chance to be there on that one day. Check out this segmentfrom a recent episode ofAmerican Rifleman TV to learn more about the Battle of Iwo Jima.
FN America stretched its Reflex micro-compact a bit in length and height for 2025, creating the new Reflex XL, which has an increased magazine capacity.
Full Forge Gear recently leveraged its knowledge of heavy-duty materials to leap into the personal-armor market with the introduction of the Shelter plate carrier and two different lightweight plate options compatible with it.
Staccato has elevated the 2011 handgun concept by incorporating some redesigns for 2025, notably making its M1911-style design compatible with Glock double-stack magazines.
The Light-Mounted Compensator from Vantage Point Armory is a clever idea because the machined-aluminum muzzle device attaches directly to the Streamlight or SureFire weapon light of the shooter’s choosing using the light’s existing hardware.