With spring gobbler season becoming just a memory and fall waterfowl seasons looming, now is the time to hone your wing-shooting skills—and nothing is better at doing so than time spent on a sporting clays course. Depending on the targets and their presentations, the load detailed below should serve well across the course. Featuring 1 oz. of magnum lead No. 8 shot (410 pellets) in a Federal 12S0 wad atop of 22.5 grs. of IMR’s new Green propellant, during testing the payload attained 1268 f.p.s. from the 253/4" barrel of a Benelli Super Black Eagle II shotgun. Though soft on the shoulder, the load is devastating to the target; in fact, even when using a factory modified choke, at 40 yds. 341 pellets (83 percent of the total shot) impacted fairly uniformly within a 30" circle surrounding the point of aim. With such performance, the shell is a summertime solution to avert winter wing-shooting woes.