Mossberg has a real stunner on its hands with the Shockwave—a 14"-barreled pistol-grip-only pump-action that fires shotgun shells and is 26.32" long overall, which means it is classified by the BATF as a “firearm” and therefore not subject to NFA regulation. Based on the company’s proven Model 590 shotgun action, the Shockwave has a 12-ga., 3" chamber and a five-plus-one capacity, but, with a clever aftermarket adapter, it can handle up to nine Aguila Mini-Shells. Its Raptor bird’s-head-style grip and strap-equipped fore-end facilitate shooting from the hip or chest. Weight is 5 lbs., 4 ozs., and the price is expected to be less than $500. Watch the SHOT Show 2017 video, and for more, visit mossberg.com