Home schooling taught an 11-year-old Alabama boy the value of self-defense. The boy was in his home alone when someone broke in. The boy grabbed a handgun and hid while the intruder went upstairs. When the bad guy came down the stairs carrying a hamper full of stuff, he told the boy he was going to kill him and hurled obscenities at the youth. At that point, the boy started firing. The youth credited his stepfather with teaching him how to use a gun for protection. (WVTM-TV, Talladega, AL, 4/28/16)
The Armed Citizen® Extra
A Springfield, Ill., man woke up late one night to a loud noise coming from his back porch. Going to investigate, the homeowner, who was also a Marine veteran, found a 24-year-old man attempting to break into his house. Grabbing a gun, the resident confronted the would-be burglar and ordered him to leave. Upon seeing the firearm, the intruder fled the scene on foot. He was apprehended by the police about a block from the scene. (The State Journal-Register, Springfield, IL, 1/29/16)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
April 1977
A lack of expertise in coin dealing was costly to two San Leandro, Calif., burglars. They stole several counterfeit coins from the house of coin dealer Bobby Short. They then went the next day to a nearby coin shop to pass the bogus cash. But the shop they chose belonged to Short; he recognized the coins immediately, drew a pistol and held the hapless pair until the police could arrive. (The Daily Review, Hayward, CA)