Savage Arms set the world on fire last year with the introduction of the A17 in .17 HMR, but the company is not finished with magnum rimfires yet. The new A22 Magnum is based on the A17, in which it offers the same delayed blowback action as well as other great features adopted from the platform. Learn more in this video from SHOT Show 2016, and for more, go to
To learn more about the unique engineering that went into creating the A17 and now the A22, please enjoy the following article:
Created in cooperation with Magpul, Ruger’s new RXM semi-automatic pistol permits unparalleled personalization, all without the additional paperwork required by some other popular platforms.
A combination top- and panel-loading design makes the 30-liter Kitanica Vespid pack convenient to use and versatile—even beyond typical every-day-carry needs.