Active Shooter/Terrorist Response for Civilians
The threat or perceived threat of an active shooter/terrorist is of significant concern to many of us in today's world. At issue however, is the level of hype or hyperbole associated with the topic. Most of the information is based on the hysterics of the media, which has little basis in fact. Active Shooter/Terrorist Response for Civilians will dispel the myths and provide you with practical, effective strategies and skills that can save your live and the lives of others.
Defense Against Street Crimes
The most common issue a Gunsite graduate may encounter in which they will apply the skills learned at the ranch is a crime against their person or the person of another for whom they accept responsibility. Street crimes include, assault, sexual assault, armed robbery, carjacking and many other violent attacks that occur in public settings, outside the comfort of your home or business.
Home Defense
Your home is your castle only if you can defend it! Learn the best tactics and methods of keeping you and your family safe in the place you spend the most time- your home!
Emergency Medical Preparedness
Firearms training and proficiency are important. Equally as important and more likely to be used is Emergency Medical training! The past few years of natural disasters, active shooters and large scale rioting have shown the need for emergency medical skills for the everyday person. No firearms experience or prerequisite required for this course.
Disaster Preparedness Tactics
Disaster preparedness is a popular topic within the firearms community. Whether the discussion is about manmade, environmental or natural disasters, "prepping" has become viewed as a necessary avocation.
The professional staff at Gunsite, all of whom have at least two decades of experience in military and/or law enforcement has designed these five new real-world courses to address some of the most common dangers faced by the average person. Each of these courses feature expert instruction that includes up to date information in classroom presentations, the best firearms instruction available and practical exercises including force on force scenarios to reinforce the skills learned.
These courses are now up open for enrollment at Gunsite.com