Louis Seecamp was an ingenious gun designer from a family of gunmakers. Over the years, he worked on a lot of gun matters, but settled into double-action conversions for .45s in the days when there were no such things available on the open market.
A DAO or DA/SA .45 was a real hot topic in the late 60sand early 70s. However, when several commercial makers started introducing them, Seecamp's market went away.
He turned to another interesting style of gun, the sub-miniature (read: itty-bitty) pocket auto. These were tiny little guns made in small quantities and delivered to whoever was next on the waiting list.
Initially, the little Seecamps were made in .25 ACP, but the company eventually mastered the complexities of making the same gun in the larger .32 ACP caliber. On their new website, the company advertises a .380 Auto version of the same handy little pocket auto.
Seecamp pistols have achieved an almost cult-favorite status and are unquestionably almost hand-made guns. The company keeps the quality high and the production low, and every gun they make is sold before they finish it. Naturally, they are copied.