When Ontario, Calif., police responded to a call about a man with a gun, they were surprised to find an elderly homeowner who was holding a suspect at gunpoint. The man and his wife had been awakened that night by the sound of someone trying to break into their home. The homeowner grabbed his shotgun and chased the would-be burglar across the street. When the bad guy turned and threatened him, the older man fired a shot, prompting someone to call 911. The suspect was held at gunpoint until police arrived. (Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Ontario, CA, 9/1/15)
The Armed Citizen Extra® 2/19/16
An Oklahoma man used his handgun to fend off three burglars when they forced their way into his midtown Tulsa home. Equipped with a club and a machete, the three thugs gained entry into the building but were quickly confronted by the armed citizen, who opened fire on them. Two of the suspects hastily fled on foot, but their accomplice was held at gunpoint at the scene at until the authorities could arrive. He now faces robbery with a dangerous weapon charges, and police continue to search for his partners in crime. (fox23.com, Tulsa, OK, 12/2/15)
From the Armed Citizen® Archives
March 1974
When three hunters stopped east of Little Rock, Ark., to check their pickup truck’s oil, a car pulled up and two of its three occupants got out. One of the two men pointed a .22-cal. pistol at hunter Lloyd Taylor and demanded his wallet, whereupon Taylor slammed the door against the robber, knocking the pistol away. Hunter John Rhodes then grabbed a shotgun, jumped from the truck and blasted the second robber in the leg. The other two thugs managed to get away. (The Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, AR)