A videotape from Al Shabaab is calling for attacks on crowded malls in three locations, according to reports from Fox News, and the targets include Mall of America in Minnesota. According to this interview, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson considers the “threat” serious. In 2013, an attack on Westgate Mall in Kenya claimed the lives of at least 67 innocent people.
Mall of America takes serious security precautions, even going so far as to have practice lockdowns scheduled, but the same page states clearly (under the Violations of the Law section), “Guns are banned on these premises.” Minnesota issues concealed-carry permits, and more than 177,000 residents of the state have secured one to ensure their safety and that of their family.
Federal and local law enforcement is supplementing the mall’s heightened efforts. Unfortunately, rendering all of the lawful patrons defenseless makes the 520-store, 50-restaurant facility—and home to the world’s largest indoor theme park—a more desirable target.