New For 2024: EAA Corp. MC 14T Lady Tip-Up

posted on January 24, 2024

European American Armory Corp. aimed squarely at an underserved corner of the concealed-carry market with its MC 14T, specifically those who have weaker hand strength and struggle to rack traditional handguns. The MC 14T Lady Tip-Up is a stylized version of this handgun with special aesthetic touches designed to appeal to female shooters.

As its name implies, the MC 14T makes use of a "tip-up" barrel arrangement, a design popularized earlier by the Beretta Model 86. A lever on the right side of the frame allows the rear of the barrel to pop up above the plane of the slide, exposing the breech and allowing the user to load a single round. After loading, the barrel is snapped back into place, and a magazine inserted.

With the gun loaded, users can simply pull the trigger, firing the singly loaded cartridge, which enables the slide to move rearward, picking up a fresh round and moving it forward from the magazine into the chamber. No slide racking needed. The Lady Tip-Up features a gloss-black finish with gold-colored controls and other accents.

Watch our "New For 2024" video above to see all the details on the MC 14T Lady.


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